
“Navalny”: Daniel Roher’s Real Life Political Thriller

“People are often surprised when they watch the film and they realize that it's sort of a dark comedy. It's a funny movie. He's a funny guy.”

“Navalny” follows Alexei Navalny, his team and his family as he investigates his own poisoning, and heads back to Russia to meet his fate. Director Daniel Roher explains how he built a relationship with Russia’s most prominent opposition leader.

NBC Bay Area’s “The Moms of Magnolia Street”

“We knew it was important to let the cameras continue to roll live. But I'll be honest, we were nervous about where this was going to go when we saw those armored vehicles show up.”

— VP of News Stephanie Adrouny, NBC Bay Area

The 2022 duPont-winning documentary “The Moms of Magnolia Street” follows three mothers who protest Oakland’s affordable housing crisis by illegally occupying a vacant home. Tune in as NBC Bay Area documentarians talk about following along from defiant start to explosive finish.

Director Loira Limbal’s Heartfelt Homage to Working Mothers

“I felt like I don't have to tell you how brutal racial capitalism is in the United States if I am showing you. I wanted capitalism to indict itself in the film.”

--- director and producer Loira Limbal

In her 2022 duPont Award-winning documentary “Through the Night,” filmmaker Loira Limbal intimately captured the burdens on working mothers and puts a mirror to America’s daycare system, reflecting back the darker sides of capitalism.

Nanfu Wang’s Brave COVID Doc Draws Dramatic Parallels

“Finding people who praise the government is easy. Finding people who are critical of the government is easy. What is the most difficult is convincing some people who are ordinary citizens who have information to come out and speak up. ”

--- director and producer Nanfu Wang

Filmmaker Nanfu Wang assumed a risk few dared during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. In her 2022 duPont Award-winning documentary, “In the Same Breath,” Wang and her team take their cameras into Wuhan’s hospitals to reveal the disparities between the devastating reality of the pandemic versus the rosy depiction Chinese officials painted for the masses. She details the logistical and emotional difficulties of creating such a film inside an authoritarian country on strict crackdown against freedom of speech – all amid a deadly pandemic.